How To Clean Gemstone Jewelry

How To Clean Gemstone Jewelry

Does your favorite gemstone necklace look a little less radiant lately? Don't worry—that sparkle isn't gone forever! Everyday wear can leave behind a layer of grime, robbing your precious stones of brilliance. But fear not, gem enthusiasts! This guide will be your treasure map to restore the dazzling beauty of your gemstone jewelry. We'll delve into safe and effective cleaning techniques, answer frequently asked questions, and ensure your cherished pieces continue to shine for years. Let's unlock the secrets to sparkling gemstones!

Why Should You Regularly Clean Your Gemstone Jewelry?

Most people wear gemstone jewelry due to its myriad benefits. From healing to positivity, here are seven surprising benefits of wearing gemstones. This everyday wear can lead to grime buildup, robbing your gemstones of brilliance. Here's why regular cleaning is essential for maintaining the beauty and integrity of your precious gemstone pieces or silver jewelry.

Unveiling Hidden Beauty

Imagine your gemstone as a dazzling spotlight. Dirt, soap scum, and even leftover makeup can act like a film, dimming the light and obscuring the true brilliance of your diamond rings and gemstones. Regular cleaning removes this buildup, allowing the gemstone's natural fire and sparkle to shine through. Picture a freshly cleaned ruby, its red depths glowing with renewed intensity, or an amethyst sparkling like a crown jewel after a gentle cleaning.

Prevention is Key

Think of dirt and grime as tiny, abrasive particles that constantly brush against your gemstones or diamond earrings from Jacquie Aiche jewelry. Left unchecked, this continuous friction can dull the surface of softer stones over time. Regular cleaning removes these abrasive elements before they can cause lasting damage. It's like giving your gemstones a protective shield, ensuring they maintain their smooth, light-reflecting surfaces for years.

Safeguarding From Hidden Threats

While dirt and grime are the most common culprits, everyday activities can expose your jewelry to harsher substances. Harsh chemicals in cleaning products or abrasives in cosmetics can damage some gemstones. Regular cleaning removes these potential threats before they can cause harm. It's like giving your precious gemstones a defensive barrier, keeping them safe from the unexpected dangers lurking in your daily life.

6 Tips How to Clean Your Gemstone Jewelry

Keeping your gemstone diamond jewelry sparkling doesn't require complicated equipment or harsh chemicals. With these six simple steps, you'll have all the tools to restore the dazzling beauty of the precious stones in your chrysoprase stone necklace or other piece and unlock their full potential for brilliance!

Gather Your Supplies

Before embarking on your gemstone cleaning adventure, gather a few essential tools:
  • A Bowl: Any clean bowl large enough to comfortably hold your jewelry will do. Opt for glass or ceramic for easy cleaning.
  • Warm Water: Hot water can damage some gemstones, so stick to lukewarm water for safe and effective cleaning.
  • Mild Dish Soap: Your secret weapon is a gentle dish soap free of harsh chemicals or dyes. Look for a soap labeled "fragrance-free" or "for sensitive skin."
  • Soft-Bristled Brush: This is where the magic happens! Choose a soft-bristled brush for jewelry cleaning or a baby toothbrush for delicate pieces. Think soft bristles like those you'd use for a newborn – anything firmer could scratch your gemstones.
  • Microfiber Cloth: This gentle cloth is perfect for drying your jewelry without leaving any lint or scratches behind. A clean, soft cotton cloth can also work in a pinch.

Understand Your Gemstone

Before diving into the cleaning process, it's crucial to understand your gemstone's unique properties. Here's why:

Hardness Matters

Gemstones, like minerals, have varying degrees of hardness. The Mohs scale, ranging from 1 (softest) to 10 (hardest), helps us understand a gemstone's resistance to scratching. Knowing your gemstone's hardness level on the Mohs scale is vital for choosing the right cleaning tools and techniques. For example, a soft gemstone like turquoise (Mohs hardness of 5-6) requires a gentler touch than a sapphire (Mohs hardness of 9).

Fragility and Inclusions

Beyond hardness, some gemstones have internal fractures or inclusions that make them more susceptible to damage. Knowing these vulnerabilities will help you determine the appropriate cleaning method. For instance, opals have a delicate structure and can be damaged by harsh chemicals or sudden temperature changes, requiring a gentler cleaning approach.

Here's a quick reference for some common gemstones and their Mohs hardness levels:

  • Diamond (10) - Extremely hard and durable
  • Sapphire (9) - Very hard and durable
  • Ruby (9) - Very hard and durable
  • Emerald (7.5-8) - Hard, but with potential for internal fractures
  • Topaz (8) - Hard, but avoid harsh abrasives
  • Amethyst (7) - Moderately hard, avoid rough handling
  • Turquoise (5-6) - Relatively soft, requires gentle cleaning

Soak the Jewelry

Now that you've gathered your supplies and identified your gemstone's properties, it's time for the first step: a relaxing soak!

  • Loosening the Grime: Think of soaking as a way to gently loosen dirt, soap scum, and other buildup that may be clinging to your hematite stone jewelry. This initial step helps remove these unwanted elements without resorting to harsh scrubbing.
  • Preparing the Bath: Fill your clean bowl with warm water. Add a few drops of gentle dish soap and stir to create a slightly soapy solution. Remember, a little goes a long way—avoid using excessive soap.
  • Soak Time: Place your emerald jewelry in the soapy solution and let it soak for 5-10 minutes. A longer soak time (up to 15 minutes) may benefit heavily soiled pieces. However, consult a jeweler for dirty or delicate pieces before extending the soak duration.

Gently Brush Your Gemstone Jewelry

After the relaxing soak, it's time to scrub and gently remove any remaining dirt and grime. Remember, the key here is gentleness!

  • Soft Touch Only: Grab your soft-bristled brush and use very gentle strokes to clean the surface of your gemstone. Avoid applying excessive pressure, as even a soft brush can scratch softer stones if used too vigorously. Think of it as a light dusting rather than a vigorous scrub.
  • Reaching All the Nooks: Pay attention to areas behind the gemstone where dirt and grime can quickly accumulate. Use the tip of your brush to clean these hard-to-reach spots carefully. Consider using a baby toothbrush for even gentler cleaning in intricate settings with delicate prongs.
  • Ultrasonic Cleaners - Proceed with Caution (For Later): While ultrasonic cleaners can be effective for some gemstones, they are unsuitable for all.

Rinse Thoroughly

Once you've gently brushed and cleaned your gemstone rings and gemstone earrings, it's crucial to remove any remaining soap residue. Soap buildup can leave a film on your gemstones, dulling their sparkle.

  • Rinsing Away the Residue: Rinse your jewelry thoroughly under clean, lukewarm water. Hold the piece securely to avoid losing any stones.
  • Pro Tip: Use a colander to catch your jewelry as you rinse – it's a simple way to prevent accidental slips down the drain! Avoid harsh water pressure from the faucet, as it could damage delicate settings or dislodge loose stones.

Dry With Soft Cloth and Store Your Gemstone Jewelry

The final step is ensuring your beautifully cleaned gemstones stay that way!

  • Pat it Dry: Use a clean, lint-free microfiber cloth to pat your jewelry dry gently. Avoid rubbing, as this can leave streaks or even cause scratches. Specially designed microfiber cloths are gentle on delicate surfaces.
  • Paper Towel No-No: Skip the paper towels! They can leave behind tiny fibers that might get lodged in your jewelry or even cause minor scratches.
  • Safe Storage: Once completely dry, store your jewelry in a soft pouch or a compartmentalized jewelry box, as this will protect your gemstones from scratches and keep them looking their best for years.

What Should I Avoid When Cleaning Gemstone Jewelry?

While we want your gemstone bracelets sparkling clean, there are a few things to avoid to ensure their safety. Here are some cleaning culprits to keep away from your precious pieces:

  • Harsh Chemicals: Bleach, ammonia, and other harsh chemicals are no-nos for gemstone jewelry. These powerful cleaners can damage the surface of your stones, causing discoloration, etching, or even pitting. Stick to gentle dish soap for a safe and effective clean.
  • Temperature Extremes: Sudden temperature changes can shock some gemstones, causing cracks or fractures. Avoid using hot water to clean and wear your gemstone jewelry in hot springs or saunas. Let your jewelry adjust to room temperature before putting it on after cleaning.

Can I Use Ultrasonic Cleaners To Clean Gemstone Jewelry?

Ultrasonic cleaners use high-frequency sound waves to vibrate a cleaning solution, dislodging dirt. While effective, we advise caution.

  • Not for All Gems: Ultrasonic vibrations can damage softer stones (opals, turquoise) and those with loose settings or hidden inclusions. Before using an ultrasonic cleaner, have a jeweler assess your gemstones for safe cleaning.

How Often Should I Clean Your Gemstone Jewelry?

We recommend a gentle cleaning every 1-2 weeks for jewelry you wear regularly, like gemstone anklets, as this helps prevent a buildup of grime that can dull the sparkle. It is a quick spa treatment to keep your gemstones looking their best.
If you wear your gemstone jewelry during workouts, engage in outdoor activities, or apply lotions frequently, consider cleaning them more often. Dirt, sweat, and lotions can accumulate more quickly in these situations. A quick cleaning every few days might be necessary to maintain the brilliance of your stones.

Can I Wear Gemstone Jewelry While Swimming or Bathing?

While it might be tempting to keep your favorite gemstone necklace on all day, it's advisable to take it off before swimming or bathing. Chlorine in pools, salt water in the ocean, and even the harsh chemicals in some soaps can damage certain gemstones. Chlorine can cause discoloration, especially in pearls and opals. Saltwater can dry organic gemstones like turquoise, while harsh soaps can leave a film on the surface, dulling the shine; avoiding these risks and keeping your pearl stone jewelry sparkling by enjoying it poolside or in the bath, but not while submerged in the water.

What Kind of Brush Should You Use To Clean Your Gemstone Jewelry?

A soft-bristled brush specifically designed for jewelry cleaning is ideal. These brushes boast ultra-fine bristles, typically made of nylon or other soft materials. They effectively remove dirt and grime without scratching the delicate surfaces of your gemstones.
A baby toothbrush can be your secret weapon for intricate settings or especially delicate gemstones like opals. The ultra-soft bristles of a soft toothbrush offer a supremely gentle touch, allowing you to navigate those hard-to-reach crevices and clean your precious pieces with utmost care.


Regular cleaning is the secret to keeping your gemstone jewelry sparkling for years. By following these simple yet effective tips, you can remove built-up grime and unleash the true brilliance of your precious stones. Remember, a professional jeweler can provide expert cleaning for particularly delicate or valuable pieces and ensure your treasured gemstones continue to radiate beauty.

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